Monday, November 26, 2012


Zach teaching the group about the significance of Yad Vashem moments before going inside.  Yad Vashem was established in 1953 and serves as the world center for documentation, research, education and commemoration of the Holocaust.
Beautiful and symbolic wall art in the corridors of Yad Vashem
Kenny explaining a particular work of art to the group inside Yad Vashem's Holocaust art gallery

Josh at the podium in the Shul

Group reflecting after exiting the main exhibit hall

The Valley of the Communities is a monument dug out of natural bedrock with the names of over 5,000 Jewish communities which existed for hundreds of years.....Today, in most cases, nothing remains but the name.

Dave lighting a candle in front of the monument from the cities of his Grandparents in Slovakia

Gabby standing in front of the monument from one of her Grandparent's cities

Josh reciting "Kel maleh rachamin", which is a prayer for the soul of the departed

One of the many memorable sculptures throughout the Yad Vashem grounds

Watching the trains pass by on our Friday morning walk to Machne Yehuda Market
Couldn't pass up getting a photo

Max in front of street grafitti

World famous Machne Yehuda Market is often referred to by Israeli's as "The Shuk". Over 250 vendors, inside and out, sell everything from fresh fruits and vegetables, baked goods, fish, meat, cheeses, nuts, seeds, spices, wine, clothing and housewares

The Shuk can get very crowded....especially before Shabbos

Halava anyone?!?

A great place to eat lunch and people watch
Lentil soup and tomato soup for lunch

"Soaking" in the local scene....literally
Bayla returning after spending Shabbos with her brother Yaakov and sister-in-law Leah

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